Code coverage report for lib/utils.js

Statements: 91.18% (31 / 34)      Branches: 77.78% (14 / 18)      Functions: 90% (9 / 10)      Lines: 93.75% (30 / 32)     

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var Args = require("vargs").Constructor;
var _ = require('lodash');
var varargs = exports.varargs = function(args) {
  var fargs = new(Args)(args);
  // returning undefined instead of empty callback
  fargs.callback = fargs.callbackGiven()? fargs.callback : undefined;
  return fargs;
// small helper to make sure we don't loose exceptions
// use this instead of looking  the last argument manually
exports.findCallback = function(_arguments){
  var fargs = varargs(_arguments);
  return fargs.callback;
// convert to type to something like ById, ByCssSelector, etc...
exports.elFuncSuffix = function(type){
  var res = (' by ' + type).replace(/(\s[a-z])/g,
    function($1){return $1.toUpperCase().replace(' ','');});
  return res.replace('Xpath', 'XPath');
// return correct jsonwire type
exports.elFuncFullType = function(type){
  if(type === 'css') {return 'css selector'; } // shortcut for css
  return type;
// from JsonWire spec + shortcuts
exports.elementFuncTypes = ['class name', 'css selector','id','name','link text',
  'partial link text','tag name', 'xpath', 'css' ];
// chai-as-promised promisifier
// just adding the core method for the sake of safety.\
// if you need more than that, build your custom promisifier
    // core methods:
     "then", "catch", "fail", "progress", "finally", "fin", "done",
     "thenResolve", "thenReject"
exports.transferPromiseness = function(target, promise) {
  _(Q_CORE_METHODS).each(function(methodName) {
    Eif (promise[methodName]) {
      target[methodName] = promise[methodName].bind(promise);
  if(promise._enrich) {
// promise detection
exports.isPromise = function(x) {
  return (typeof x === "object" || typeof x === "function") && x !== null && typeof x.then === "function";
exports.deprecator = {
  deprecationMessageShown: {},
  warnDeprecated: true,
  showHideDeprecation: function(status) {
    if(status !== undefined) { this.warnDeprecated = status; }
    else { this.warnDeprecated = !this.warnDeprecated; }
  warn: function(cat, message) {
    if(this.warnDeprecated && !this.deprecationMessageShown[cat]) {
      this.deprecationMessageShown[cat] = 1;