var async = require("async");
var _ = require("lodash");
var deprecatedChain ={};
deprecatedChain.chain = function(obj){
var _this = this;
Eif (!obj) { obj = {}; }
// Update the onError callback if supplied. The most recent .chain()
// invocation overrides previous onError handlers.
Iif (obj.onError) {
this._chainOnErrorCallback = obj.onError;
} else if (!this._chainOnErrorCallback) {
this._chainOnErrorCallback = function(err) {
if (err) { console.error("a function in your .chain() failed:", err); }
// Add queue if not already here
_this._queue = async.queue(function (task, callback) {
if(task.args.length > 0 && typeof task.args[task.args.length-1] === "function"){
//wrap the existing callback
//if this is queueAddAsync, we instead create a callback that will be
//passed through to the function provided
var cb_arg = ( === 'queueAddAsync' ? 1 : task.args.length - 1);
var func = task.args[cb_arg];
task.args[cb_arg] = function(err) {
// if the chain user has their own callback, we will not invoke
// the onError handler, supplying your own callback suggests you
// handle the error on your own.
if (func)
{ func.apply(null, arguments); }
Eif (!_this._chainHalted) { callback(err); }
} else {
// if the .chain() does not supply a callback, we assume they
// expect us to catch errors.
task.args.push(function(err) {
// if there is an error, call the onError callback,
// and do not invoke callback() which would make the
// task queue continue processing
Iif (err) { _this._chainOnErrorCallback(err); }
else { callback(); }
//call the function
_this[].apply(_this, task.args);
}, 1);
// add unshift method if we need to add sth to the queue
_this._queue = _.extend(_this._queue, {
unshift: function (data, callback) {
var _this = this;
if(data.constructor !== Array) {
data = [data];
data.forEach(function(task) {
data: task,
callback: typeof callback === 'function' ? callback : null
if (_this.saturated && _this.tasks.length === _this.concurrency) {
var chain = {};
//builds a placeHolder functions
var buildPlaceholder = function(name){
return function(){
_this._queue.push({name: name, args:, 0)});
return chain;
//fill the chain with placeholders
_.each(_.functions(_this), function(k) {
if(k !== "chain"){
chain[k] = buildPlaceholder(k);
return chain;
// manually stop processing of queued chained functions
deprecatedChain.haltChain = function(){
this._chainHalted = true;
this._queue = null;
deprecatedChain.pauseChain = function(timeoutMs, cb){
setTimeout(function() {
}, timeoutMs);
return this.chain;
}; = function(){
this._queue.unshift({name: arguments[0], args:});
deprecatedChain.queueAdd = function(func){
return this.chain;
deprecatedChain.queueAddAsync = function(func, cb) {
return this.chain;
module.exports = {
patch: function(browser) {
_(deprecatedChain).methods().each(function(methodName) {
browser[methodName] = deprecatedChain[methodName].bind(browser);